How to apply for DNB/DrNB Examination 2023?

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The candidates should have a strong internet connection and all the scanned documents.

  1. Go to the Website : and click in Apply for DNB/DrNB final Examinations.
  2. The login page will appear and there will be two options available which are given below.
    1. Option 1 : If candidate has already appeared for DNB Final Examination –June 2020 or thereafter?. Then, they need not register again. Use username and password to login and continue to fill the form.
    2. Option 2 : If candidate has not appeared for DNB Final – June 2020 or thereafter. Then, they need to register as fresh candidate.

nbe login

The candidate should fill all the below items.

  • Candidate’s Name
  • Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY)
  • Gender
  • Mother’s Name
  • Father’s Name
  • Do you belong to Person with Benchmark Disability (PwD) interms of RPwD Act,2016?
  • Mobile No
  • Email ID

Examination Details

  • Examination
  • Category of DNB/DrNB Examination
  • Category of the Candidate
  • Specialty for Examination

Correspondence Address in India

  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • Country
  • State
  • City/District
  • Pin Code

Is Permanent Address Same as Correspondence address?

  • Permanent Address
  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • Country
  • State
  • City/District
  • Pin Code

DNB/DrNB Training

  • Registration Number
  • Duration of Course
  • State

DNB/DrNB Training Institution Name

  • Date of Joining DNB/DrNB Training Programme(as per Registration letter issued by NBEMS)
  • Date of Completion/ Scheduled Date of Completion of DNB/DrNB Training
  • Have you ever appeared in DNB/DrNB Final Examination prior to this session

Thesis & Leave Details

  • Thesis Status as verified from available records
  • Thesis Topic
  • Thesis Submission Date
  • Research Study Duration
  • Leave (in days) taken during the period of DNB/DrNB Training
  • Are you currently employed in hospital?

Details of MBBS/ Primary Medical Qualification

  • Country of Completion of Primary Medical Qualification(MBBS)
  • State
  • University/College Name
  • Month and year of joining
  • Month and Year of Passing
  • Period taken to complete MBBS/Primary Medical Qualification (as per date of joining and passing selected by candidate) in months

Details of Post Diploma DNB Qualification

  • State
  • University Name
  • College Name
  • Month and Year of Joining
  • Month and Year of Passing
  • Date of issuance of Provisional Pass Certificate / Degree Certificate

Formative Assessment Test (FAT conducted by NBEMS and Internal Assessment conducted by Training Institute)

  • Date of joining DNB/DrNB Programme:
  • Duration of Course
Year of Training FAT Conducted by NBEMS attended(Both Theory and Workplace based clinical assessment Internal Assessment conducted by Training Institute Attended


Test Center Details

  • Test State Choice 1
  • Test Choice City  1
  • Test State Choice 2
  • Test Choice City  2

Candidate Images Upload Details

The candidates should upload the documents in prescribed format. Otherwise it cannot be uploaded in the site. The following specifications of photograph, signature and thumb and other documents are given below:-

 Live Photograph

  • The candidate shall be required to upload TWO photographs

To be uploaded : A PRE-SAVED recent Passport Size Colour Photograph as per image Upload Guidelines

To be Captured : A REAL TIME PHOTOGRAPH captured by the webcam/in-built camera of the computer system

  • Instructions to capture photograph
    1. Stand/ Sit against a white background (Avoid distracting backgrounds)
    2. The image must not include other objects or additional people. Ensure that you are the only one person in the picture
    3. The image must contain the full face, ears, neck and shoulders of the entrant in frontal view with a neutral, non smiling expression and with eyes open and directed at the camera.
    4. The image must not contain any parts of the body below the entrant


  • The background should be white.
  • There should be only one person in the picture.
  • It must contain the full face, ears, neck, and shoulders of the entrant.
  • There should be neutral, non-smiling expression and with eyes open.
  • The image should be uptill the shoulder only.
  • Do not take a selfie.
  • The image should be clicked in > 5-megapixel resolution.
  • It should be a standard passport size (35mm X 45mm, width X height).
  • The size of photograph should be between 50 kb to 80 kb
  • Save the scanned images as .jpg/.jpeg
  • The scanner resolution should be atleast 200 dpi.

It should not be blurred and must cover 70% – 80% of the frame


Signature should be between 50kb and 80 kb

Left Thumb Impression

  • Candidates should use a white sheet of paper.
  • They should put their thumb impression within a box of 6 cm x 3 cm.
  • They should use a fresh blue / black colour ink pad.
  • Candidates should first wash their hands before the thumb impression.
  • Take the horizontal print of the left thumb.
  • Save the scanned images as .jpg/.jpeg
  • The file size should be between 50 kb and 1 mb.

Attachments (Less than 500kb)

  • MBBS DegreeCertificate
  • Post DiplomaDegree certificate/Provisional Pass Certificate (PPC)
  • Registration Letter issued by NBEMS for DNB/DrNB Programme
  • Thesis acceptance letter, if issued by National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences/ Proof of submission of thesis to National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences for assessment
  • Provisional Training Completion Certificate for DNB/DrNB Programme as per the format given in the information bulletin


DNB/DrNB Final Examination October 2023 is a proprietary examination and is conducted by National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences. Thecontents of OSCE are confidential, proprietary and are owned by National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences. NBEMS explicitly prohibits the candidate from publishing, reproducing or transmitting any or some contentsof OSCE, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means verbal or written,electronic or mechanical or for any purpose.NBEMS shall not entertain any request for sharing any content of the OSCE including question paper, answer keys and answer sheets.

No content of OSCE must be shared with friends, acquaintances or third parties including sharing through online means or via social media. Social media includes but not limited to SMS, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Hangouts, Blogs etc using either one’s own account or proxy account(s).

By registering for and /or appearing in DNB/DrNB Final Examination October 2023 the candidate explicitly agrees to the above Non Disclosure Agreement and general terms of use for DNB/DrNB Final Examination October 2023as contained in this Information Bulletin, and DNB/DrNB Final Examination October 2023 website.

Violation of any act or breach of the same shall be liable for penal action and cancellation of the candidature at the bare threshold

I certify that I fulfill the eligibility requirements for DNB/DrNB Final Examination and have furnished complete and correct information. I understand that any instances of furnishing incorrect information detected during any stage of the examination process will automatically disqualify me from the examination process and I will not be allowed appear for DNB/DrNB Final Examination in future.

Similarly, if such instances go undetected during the current examination process but, are detected in subsequent years, such disqualification will take place with retrospective effect.

I also understand that providing incomplete information will automatically disqualify me from the examination process. I have read the information bulletin and do hereby undertake that I will not indulge in any unfair means/practice for DNB/DrNB Final examination I understand that the decision of NBEMS shall be final and binding upon me.

Any dispute concerning DNB/DrNB Final Examination October 2023 would be subject to Jurisdiction of the Competent Courts exclusively at Delhi/New Delhi only. I will comply with the Non Disclosure Agreement as indicated in the information bulletin. I certify that I have read the information bulletin thoroughly.

If any doubts, the candidate can contact help desk at NBE site