Checklist for Ph.D Thesis Submission and Instructions to candidates in Kerala University


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I Checklist for Thesis Submission

  1. Application form for Thesis Submission – Photo to be pasted on the space provided –Signature of the candidate and Guide – Declaration to be filled in and Photo to be attested by Guide.
  2. Submission Fees – 3500 + Affiliation Fees – 400 +Open Defence fees – 1000 per year e.f 01.04.2013 (not applicable for SC/ST candidates­ Should submit Caste Certificate )
  3. Research fee statement countersigned by the Guide
  4. Forwarding letter from the Centre of Research
  5. PG Degree Certificate (Original)
  6. MPhil/NET/UGCJRF/KSCSTE/Entrance……….(Original) and Pass Memo (for exemption from Entrance Test)
  7. NLC from Kerala University Library
  8. NLC from concerned research centres (If applicable)
  9. NLC from University Hostel
  10. Registration order
  11. Extension of period/ Conversion of Registration/ Guide change U.O/……….. Or any relevant U. O
  12. MFR and Recognition if PG is from outside Universities
  13. Synopsis – 12 copies in a single paper
  14. Panel approved by the Dean of the concerned faculty and the HOD of the concerned Department, University of Kerala/ Dean in the case of Subject not having the University teaching Department
  15. Course Work certificate
  16. Pre – submission Seminar ­: Proceedings – Changes if suggested , a certificate from the Guide to the effect that the changes have been incorporated
  17. Two Publications in an approved Journal/ Presentation of Papers (copy of the certificate to be attested by the Guide) as per the
  18. Foreign Scholars have to submit copy of passport and research visa (attested bythe Supervisor).
  19. Declaration from the guide who have
  20. Declaration about CD

Instructions to candidates for Research Degrees

Prescribed Format of Research Thesis

  1. Physical Format
    • The Thesis should be hard bound with no emblem or advertisement of any kind
    • The candidate should submit four hard bound copies and two CDs (soft copy) of the thesis. (Guidelines for writing Ph.D thesis on CD is available at the website – Research Portal)
    • Only A4 size paper should be used
    • Printing may be done in both sides
    • The maximum number of pages should not exceed 500, including citation & appendices
    • Thesis should be in one volume
  2. Title Page
    • Title of the thesis
    • Thesis submitted to the University of Kerala for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in………………………………………. ( concerned subject)
    • Name of the Research Scholar
    • Research Centre
    • Year of submission
  3. Declaration by the candidate

I hereby declare that the PhD thesis entitled………………….. is an independent work carried out by me and it has not been submitted anywhere else for any other degree, diploma or title. To be followed by name and signature of the candidate.

  1. Certificate

This is to certify that the work embodied in the thesis entitled,…………… has been carried out by (name of the candidate) under my supervision and Guidance. Followed by Name and Address of the Guide.

  1. Acknowledgement
  2. Contents Page
  3. List of Tables
  4. List of figures
  5. List of Abbreviations
  6. Body of the thesis
    • 1.5 line spacing
    • Adequate margin
    • Font size 12
    • No Foot notes
    • List of Publications by the candidate
    • Appendices
    • Bibliography & References

References should be arranged in alphabetical order

The following details have to be given

  1. Journals – Name of author, Name of Article, Journal, Volume number, Year, Pages
  2. Books – Name of book, Publisher’s name, Publisher’s place, Year

II Checklist for Thesis Submission Certificate

  1. Application in Various Purpose form
  2. Chalan/Fee receipt of 250/­ towards fee for Thesis Submission certificate
  3. Copy of the registration order

III  Checklist for Provisional Certificate

  1. Application in the prescribed form
  2. Chalan/Fee Receipt of 130/­ towards fee for Provisional Certificate
  3. Copy of the Notification regarding the award of D Degree

IV Checklist for Special Certificate

  1. Request for Special Certificate in white paper
  2. Duly filled various purpose form
  • Chalan / fee receipt of 250/- towards fee for Special Certificate
  1. Copy of the Registration Order
  2. Copy of the D Degree Certificate
  3. Two published works in an approved journal (bearing ISSN Nos) verified by the HOD and endorsed by Dean of the concerned Faculty
  • Two paper presentations in Conference/Seminars based on D work countersigned by the HOD concerned and the Dean of the concerned faculty
  • Coursework marklist/Certificate
  1. Pre-submission Seminar minutes/U.O.
  2. Verification Report of the Ph.D work countersigned by the HOD concerned and by the Dean of the concerned faculty in the following format


Issued to………………………………………………….. in the Faculty of ……………………………… in the Subject …………………………..……. Title of the Thesis: ……………………………………………………………………..


  • Ph.D Degree was awarded in regular mode
  • Evaluation of the D thesis has been done by three external examiners
  • Open D Viva­Voce was conducted.
  • Candidate published two research papers from the D work and of this one was in a refereed journal.
  • Candidate had made two presentations in conferences/Seminars, based on the Ph.D work.


Head Of the Department                                      Dean of the Concerned Faculty