DNB Thesis Submission – Uploading Thesis – Complete overview


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Discontinuation of hard copy of thesis protocol and thesis 

Putting together your final year DNB thesis is a meticulous process that needs to conform to your program’s guidelines. Here’s a general outline on the contents, formatting, and submission of your thesis. However, this is a broad guide, and you should verify the specific requirements with your program.

 Kind attn: All DNB/DrNB trainees and Accredited Institutions/Hospitals.

  •  As per norms, submission of Thesis protocol and Thesis is essential for all DNB/DrNB trainees, towards the partial fulfilment of eligibility for Diplomate of National Board (DNB)/Doctorate of National Board (DrNB) degree.
  • The process of submission of Thesis protocol and Thesis to NBEMS is done online through the NBEMS Thesis Portal and the candidates are required to submit Thesis Protocol and Thesis as per the timelines specified in the Thesis Protocol & Thesis submission
  • The portal for Thesis Protocol & Thesis Submission can be accessed by clicking on below mentioned link: https://www.natboard.edu.in/thesisonline/index.php

 After submitting the online Thesis Protocol and Thesis form, candidates are no longer required to send the Thesis Protocol and the hard bound thesis to NBEMS by post.

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 Soft copy to be uploaded In NBE website

  1. Photograph (jpg Less than 100 kb)
  2. Signature (jpg Les than 100 kb)
  3. Full thesis duly signed by the concerned authorities (pdf file less than 5 mb) 
  4. Declaration Cum undertaking duly signed by Guide, Co-guide, Head of institution and candidate (pdf file less than 1 mb)
  5. Institutional Ethical Committee Approval letter (pdf file less than 1 mb)
  6. Thesis Application form duly signed by the concerned Authority (can be downloaded from NBE website after filling the details(pdf file <3 mb))
  7. Annexure Publication (pdf file less than 5 mb)

dnb thesis upload

Annexure Publication

Declaration cum Undertaking for Fresh Thesis

Contents of DNB Thesis:

  1. Title page: Clearly state the title, your name, the program (DNB), institution, and year.
  2. Declaration: A statement that the work is original, followed by your signature.
  3. Certificate: From your thesis guide/supervisor and head of the department or institution.
  4. Acknowledgements: Briefly thank those who assisted you.
  5. Table of Contents: List of chapters with page numbers.
  6. List of Tables/Figures: If applicable, with titles and page numbers.
  7. Introduction: Describe the problem, your hypothesis, and objectives.
  8. Literature Review: Current knowledge/scholarly context of your work.
  9. Materials and Methods: Detailed enough to be reproducible.
  10. Results: Presentation of data; can include tables, charts, etc.
  11. Discussion : Interpretation of results
  12. Summary and Conclusion: Summary, Conclusion, implications, and potential for future work.
  13. References/Bibliography: Cited works using a standard citation style.
  14. Appendices: Any supplementary material – Ethics Committee Approval, patient consent forms, etc.


Hard copies need not to be sent to National Board of Examinations. The soft copy should be uploaded in the NBE website.